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Ask Mr. Agile®: Is waterfall vs agile just proclivity?

Categories - Agile


Is waterfall vs agile just proclivity?

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Mr. Agile®’s Answer:

Waterfall vs agile is more progress than proclivity. Many times when we’re talking with clients and they try to set up this proclivity argument, what they’re really trying to do is they’re trying to hold on to the sunk costs that they made in their waterfall investment. Is there ever a time where your requirements are so static that the need to self-correct is so limited that you could use a 1940’s approach for doing your engineering? It’s possible, but it’s unlikely. The healthier thing for people to do is to accept that we’re now in a new phase of development paradigm, and to embrace that paradigm.

Whether it’s transitioning from traditional project management, managing vendor contracts, estimation and more, Mr. Agile® has answers.
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