
Platinum Principle 1 – Resisting Formality on Agile Projects

We at Platinum Edge have created this first Platinum Principle to help illustrate that the most successful agile project teams are those that practice spontaneity and creativity as opposed to formality. You can resist formality on your agile projects by rooting out...

Contemporary Agile Implementation – The Platinum Principles

The Agile Manifesto Values and the 12 Agile Principles form the basis for all of today’s agile development methods. We at Platinum Edge have compiled a list of three additional principles we call the Platinum Principles. The Platinum Principles are a supporting...

Agile Activities: Sprint Planning

The first sprint activity is sprint planning. In the sprint planning meeting, the development team plans and agrees on the product backlog items they are confident they can complete during the sprint, and identifies the detailed tasks for delivery, according to the...

Agile Activities: Release Planning

The second activity and third stage in the Agile Roadmap to Value is release planning. A release, in agile terms, is a group of usable product features that you release to production. A release does not need to include all the functionality outlined in the product...

Agile Artifacts: Creating a Product Roadmap

The product roadmap comes right after the vision statement and represents stage 2 in our Agile Roadmap to Value. Its purpose is to give you a high-level overview of the product requirements, allowing you to prioritize, group and categorize features. It's also a great...

How to Play Estimation Poker

One of the most popular ways of estimating requirements is by playing estimation poker, sometimes called Planning Poker®. Estimation poker is a game scrum teams can use to determine relative requirement size and to build consensus among development team members. When...

Agile Activities: Sprint Review

The sprint review is a vital part of agile project management's inspect and adapt cycle. Together with the sprint retrospective they form the core feedback loop between the sprints. The sprint review meeting has two goals: for the team to demonstrate what they have...

Agile Activities: Sprint Retrospective

Agile project management is an inspect and adapt approach. This means that agile processes don't just encourage, but require you to regularly stop what you are doing, assess where you are and find ways to improve the rest of your journey toward the project goal. The...

How Long Should Different Scrum Meetings Last?

Scrum processes include four meetings that should be present in every scrum project: the sprint planning meeting, the daily scrum, the sprint review and the sprint retrospective. Each of them occur at a different time in the sprint lifecycle and lasts for a specified...


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