Recap of Quarterly LAAPLN Meeting & Book Signing on June 6th, 2012 in Santa Monica

Categories - Platinum Edge

Written by: Kevin W. Reilly, PMP, CSM, CSPO

Hello Everyone! I attended the Quarterly Meeting of the LAAPLN (The Los Angeles Agile Project Leadership Network – this past Wednesday evening in Santa Monica, CA. It was a special event since Mark Layton, PMP, CST was present to personally sign copies of his newly-released book Agile Project Management for Dummies. It is part of the world famous Wiley and Sons ‘for Dummies’ series, but certainly far exceeds its title. It is a comprehensive review of agile and scrum, and is the only ‘must have’ book you will need to properly implement both agile and scrum on the projects in your organization.

The evening was ‘extra’ special because the book was the culmination of many hours of effort expended over the last year by Mark Layton, Anna Kennedy, Rachele Maurer and Caroline Patchen, among many others. The highlight for me was getting it signed by almost all of the aforementioned contributors (sorry, Caroline, I missed you, so I’ll have to get your signature at a future book signing event). During the meeting, Mark challenged us to ask questions about agile and scrum, and even tempted us with a prize (his book) if we could stump him. Alas, none present could prevail, but as part of Mark’s natural inclination to ‘pay it forward’, the prize (his book) was distributed in sincere appreciation nonetheless.

In attendance were many practicing agilists, but also many ‘traditionalists’, who, in the ‘agile’ spirit currently embraced by PMI, understand the true value of ‘Project Management’, in all its possible forms of implementation. Special thanks to the LAAPLN, Platinum Edge, and the attendees from the PMI-LA Chapter; Debby Covey (V.P. of Strategy/President-Elect), Dennis Chang (V.P. of Programs), and Jerry Wang (V.P of Marketing). The evening was entertaining and informative, and definitely of the caliber worth attending again in the future. The Los Angeles Agile Project Leadership Network (LAAPLN) promotes and supports Agile Software Development by bringing together Los Angeles’ Project Leaders to share real-world experiences, and by providing professional networking forums. So, rest assured, whether you are a ‘traditionalist’ or an ‘agilist’, you will always be welcome at future quarterly LAAPLN meetings.

Kevin W. Reilly is, PMP, CSM, CSPO certified, a LAAPLN member, a Platinum Edge Agile Coach and the 2012 Speaker Coordinator for PMI-OC.


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