
Defining Purpose: 3 Things to Know Before You Get Started with Scrum

Defining Purpose: 3 Things to Know Before You Get Started with Scrum

So, you have decided to use scrum for your product development, but you’re not quite sure where and how to start or what are the critical items you need to address before starting. As you prepare for the new year, it’s a great time to pause and make sure you begin with clear purpose and expectations in your next endeavor.

Uncover the Hidden Priorities that Make You Ineffective

Uncover the Hidden Priorities that Make You Ineffective

Many organizations and teams mistakenly justify context switching as both parallelization and talent resource optimization. Although their goal is efficiency, unknowingly these “hidden priorities” result in not only loss of efficiency (accomplishing things quickly), but also loss of effectiveness (accomplishing the most valuable things). This article examines the hidden priorities in context switching vs. parallelization.

Next Time You Hire a Scrum Master, Try Something Like This

Next Time You Hire a Scrum Master, Try Something Like This

Finding a qualified scrum master for a team can be challenging.  Unlike traditional interview approaches, where uncertainty is quite high about whether the candidate will fit and do the job well, an agile approach to interviewing works really well. Here is an approach...

Capitalize More Costs With Agile Development

Capitalize More Costs With Agile Development

Capitalization is much higher with agile techniques The United States Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) outlines three general categories for determining capitalization, each falling under either the “what” or the “how” of product development: Preliminary...

Sprint Planning 101 for Agile Teams

Sprint Planning 101 for Agile Teams

Set Your Agile Project Up for Success Your department is busy, and as hard as it can be to make the time, it's in those moments that it is good to get back-to-basics, setting your agile project up to succeed. Whether you're new to agile techniques or well acquainted...

Why Your Organization Needs Trained Scrum Masters

Why Your Organization Needs Trained Scrum Masters

Scrum is a simple yet incredibly powerful framework that helps teams demonstrate and deliver value to customers in short cycles, enabling transparency of progress, frequent feedback and inspection, and immediate adaptation to change. Scrum is simple to understand, but...

Three Things Agile Teams Need to Get Right

Three Things Agile Teams Need to Get Right

When you work in companies of various sizes, in varied industries and in different parts of the world, repeating patterns stand out among the diversity. A pattern we've noticed is when clients get these three things right—1) dedicated & collocated teams, 2)...


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