Event: Agile Coffee and Cocktails
Join us to kick off Sactown Agile in Sacramento with coffee, wine, beer, and food. Through our engaging informal agenda format, we’ll collaborate on agile topics that are important to you, so come with your ideas, questions, interests and concerns. Meet other agile professionals in our community, swap notes and make connections that last.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019 6pm- 9pm
Join us at:
Capsity Coworking
2572 21st St
Sacramento, CA 95818
Special thank you to Capsity for donating the venue!
RSVP at: https://www.meetup.com/SacTown-Agile/events/263780085/
What we’re about
SacTown Agile is a group of professionals in the Sacramento area dedicated to practicing, perfecting, and promoting Agile practices. Our goal is to create an environment that fosters community collaboration and opportunity exchange to further the professional development of our members.