What is a Certified Scrum Developer (CSD)?

Categories - Scrum

Developers play an integral role in scrum. They are equal to the other scrum roles, product owner and scrum master, but have separate and independent functions. Developers that are part of scrum teams, typically earn their Certified Scrum Developer (CSD) certification. This certification is via the Scrum Alliance. Per the Scrum Alliance, the CSD “demonstrated through a combination of formal training and a technical skills assessment that he or she has a working understanding of Scrum principles and has learned specialized Agile engineering skills.”

Becoming a CSD

The first step in becoming a CSD is to already have the skillsets and experience as a software developer. Next, you’ll need to take a CSD class led by a Scrum Alliance Registered Education Provider (REP®) and approved instructor. You’ll need to attend at least five days of formal agile training.

There are two possible tracks:

Track One

  • Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) course (two days)
  • CSD technical course, including coding (three days)

Track Two

  • Intro to scrum CSD course (one day)
  • CSD technical course, including coding (three days)
  • CSD technical elective course (one day)

Upon completion of your training, you’ll then need to pass the CSD exam, provided by the trainer. The exam will assess your understanding of agile engineering practices. Once you pass, the REP instructor uploads your information to the Scrum Alliance, validating your certification.

Get Certified

We offer Certified Scrum Developer classes. It’s an interactive course that will provide you with the knowledge you need to earn your CSD.
Contact us to inquire about a CSD class for your area or organization.


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