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Agile Transformation

Business Analysts’ Critical Role on Agile Projects

One question that comes up, both with our students and our coaching clients, is this: Where do business analysts fit into agile projects? Business analysts – or BAs – often find themselves in one of three roles on an agile project: the product owner, the product owner...

What is a Scrum Team?

Scrum projects have a number of teams, and that can be confusing. Let's clear this up. Scrum has three main roles: The scrum master, who helps protect the team from distractions and clear impediments The product owner, who makes decisions about product features and...

The Agile Litmus Test

To be agile you need to be able to ask, “Is this agile?” If you’re ever in doubt about whether a particular process, practice, tool or approach adheres to the Agile Manifesto or the 12 Agile Principles, refer to the following list of questions: Does what we’re doing...


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